Our stories.

How Slavery Free World and our partners have impacted the lives of millions affected by human trafficking and modern day slavery across the world.

"It's quite extraordinary, you’ve managed to turn this heinous experience you had when you were a child into something so positive. You’re actually not paid at all to participate in these stings. You fly yourself across the country to these dingy motels to catch these scumbags."
Sarah Harris
Studio 10
"You should be applauded for the work you’re doing. We don’t give enough attention to this very thing that you've been working and fighting for the past number of years."
TJ Holmes
Good Morning America
"Law enforcement understands that, just because they’re good cops doesn’t mean they’re good actors, and you need a good actor to get into the belly of the beast. When we met Marisol Nichols and her Foundation for a Slavery Free World, we recognized that we had a secret weapon. Having her as what I call ‘the secret weapon’, our conviction success  rate went from around 40% to mid-90%."
Tim Ballard
Founder & President, Operation Underground Railroad (OUR)
"They’re supporting a great organization and a great cause. I think that often gets overlooked just like modern-day slavery, and it’s really awesome for them to be bringing awareness to it."
Nolan Gould
Actor, Modern Family, for Regard Magazine article supporting Slavery Free World
"I think a lot of people use their voice to make a difference for activism. To make change, you have taken it to another level by forming an organization to fight sex trafficking."
Garrett Jonsson
Host of Consider Before Consuming
“Let me tell you what you are. As a medic, when someone’s not breathing, I breathe for them. Right? It’s called inspiration. When you breathe life into somebody, you have the ability to save their life. That’s what people like you are. And when you go into that realm and you venture into an operation or you take an oath, you are going to breathe life into people because you’re showing that it can come full circle. You don’t need to stay here. You don’t need to be victimized every year. You can crawl out ’cause Marisol did it. That’s why it’s gonna be a great story. It’s an inspirational story. You’re gonna breathe life into people. And that moment, among others, is gonna save lives.” - Sheriff Swanson to Marisol on the set of Marisol Nichols Podcast
Sheriff Christopher Swanson
Sheriff, Genesee County & Founder of Genesee Human Oppression Strike Team (GHOST)

National Center for Missing & Exploited Children - 24-Hour Hotline - 1-800-843-5678
National Human Trafficking Hotline - Call 1-888-373-7888 ( TTY: 711) | *Text 233733